Monday, June 6, 2011

Is today your "Day 1"???

A little birdie told me that today might be Day 1 for a few new P90XScy-ers out there!! I wanted to extend my best wishes to you! You have done the hard part by being honest with yourself about the changes you wish to see and the goals you want to attain. It just gets better from here!

Sure it will be painful and you will wonder if you made the right decision. You will struggle with soreness and cravings and the overwhelming desire to quit. You will wonder how you will fit a workout into an already over-scheduled day. But I promise you that every day will get a little bit better, the end will get a little closer and your goals will become a little more visible. You will start to see results on the scale or in the way that your clothes fit, and you will find a way to resist the junk food, lace up your sneakers and push play, even if it is 6:30 in the morning or 9:00 at night.

The hardest part is saying yes and loading that first DVD. The rest is just sweat.