Monday, June 6, 2011

Week Four: Summary

My week four...

1. Week 4 is tough; the newness has worn off and the real work begins.
2. Eating out is tough on 1200 calories a day. (My favorite *salad* at Firebirds is 1220 calories!)3. Week 4 is not a *rest* week.
4. Calories spent on protein are more filling but less tasty. Some days you need filling. Some days you tasty.
5. Hot yoga gets better each time but the smell doesn't.
6. Keep dreaming of the menu for Fat Day; some days that's all you can do.
7. I love Th's boot camp but Brittany will kick your butt, in such a nice way.
8. Working out at 6:30 a.m. is only good when it's 5:15 p.m. and you realize you're finished for the day (for workouts, at least).
9. The best compliment is when your dad says, "wow - you have a real arm muscle now!"
10. I couldn't do this on my own. Thank you, Team P90X-SCY!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so lucky to be a part of this team!
    I can't wait to make you homemade pop tarts!!!
