Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nick: Round 2

May 9th marked the beginning of P90X for me, again.  I had completed the program from Dec. 28th - April 1st and had great results.  Here is an excerpt from my personal blog about my reasons for originally starting the program:

I've never been too big into fitness.  I went through a period where I loved to run, workout, eat healthy etc.  Over time, the obsession to get/stay in shape slowly faded.  From there, I would hit the gym sporadically and never really obtain any goals I had set up in my mind.  Toss in queso, beer, Chick Fil A, pizza, dessert, more dessert, burgers, loads of fries, and the goal of getting really fit and being happy with my appearance slowly fades away.

About four years ago, I was fat.  A fast food diet and lack of activity helped me balloon up to 220lbs.  The funny thing is, you never really notice it until you see a picture of yourself.  This is how I realized how out of shape I had gotten and realized that I needed to change.  That led to the obsessive running and working out that got me down to 185 until the last year or so where I have felt myself creep back up, currently around 195lbs.

Heaviest (second from the left):

Thinnest/most fit:

Finishing the program was an amazing feeling.  I caught myself talking about P90X more and more and was happy that a lot of people that I interacted with were getting excited about the idea of completing the program as well.  So here we are - the current six authors of this blog are completing the program.  Amanda, Jenn, Peter, and I are doing the program everyday at 5:15pm right at SCYNEXIS.  Christy and John are finishing the program on their own.  So far, it has been a great experience and having a group to do it with has rejuvenated my obsession about it.

My round 1 experience:

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