Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jenn's Story

My story echos that of many women today: A long time athlete loses her way amidst relationships, work and the stresses of just growing up. A fit and strong 23 year old becomes an overweight, depressed 33 year old with rock bottom self esteem in what seems a blink of the eye.

(cue the Debbie Downer music, wah wahhhhh...)

I had heard of P90X through blogs and infomercials and previously considered purchasing the DVDs, but quickly replaced those thoughts with the usual list of excuses. Enter Nick, who casually shared that he was getting ready to begin another 90 days of torture and gee wouldn't I like to join in the fun. Without any hesitation, a quick and powerful YES forced its way out of my mouth. In a split second, the athlete was awoken.

So here I am. I'm pushing, pulling, grunting, sweating and nearly vomitting everyday along side three equally determined colleagues. Does it hurt? Yes. Would I prefer to have a Zaxby's Birthday Cake milkshake? Yes. Do I want to quit? Yes. But I won't, not with this gang helping me through.

"Rejoice, rejoice, we have no choice but to carry on." Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

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