Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just another fad?

Why P90X? Why now? There are a few reasons. The biggest one is that I was invited. I love being invited to join something. It's fun and kinda cool. I had started running in the Winter/Spring, but the weather is getting too hot to keep running at lunch, so I was going to stop and go back to bike riding. I started running because my pants stopped fitting after Christmas. Too much food and dessert, along with short dark days, and I really started putting on weight. When I hit 190, I had to either buy new pants or lose the weight, and it seemed like an easy choice. But easy choices don't always translate into easy follow-through. I was able to run with a colleague at work, which kept me running. And now I'm doing P90X because the group is going to keep me going. Power to the group!

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