Thursday, June 9, 2011

I have always hated pull ups!

And this blog is not going to reveal that I suddenly love them...

I hate pull ups because I have to use a chair to do assisted pull ups and I can't really tell if I'm improving. Am I doing the same number of reps on Day 30 but supporting myself less with my legs? Or am I doing the same number of reps and because I'm so dog-on tired I'm supporting myself more?

I was talking to fellow-P90Xer John about this the other day and he recommended that I put the chair behind me for assistance and see if that made a difference.

YES, it did! They felt more natural to me and it's a lot easier for me to adjust how much weight I'm putting on my arms versus my legs.

I still don't *love* pull ups but at least I feel like I know where I am with them. And where I am today is *sore!*

1 comment:

  1. Good information to have!!! I'm going to try the pull ups with the chair behind me instead of front of me!!
