Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Some pics from today's workout

Day 10 - Shoulders and Arms + Ab Ripper X

Jenn - Upright Row

Amanda - Flip Grip Tricep Extensions

Peter - Lying Down Tricep Extensions

Jenn - Side Tri Rise

Nick - In and Out Shoulder Flys
And then there is the Mason Twist during Ab Ripper X.  Amanda decided to add a 5lb weight. Doesn't sound like a lot?  Wrong.

Mason Twist is the final exercise in the Ab X workout and involves leaning back on  your butt, lifting your legs, cupping your hands and touching the floor on either side of your body.  You basically collapse after this and hope that the pain subsides quickly.  Yes, we take off our shoes to reduce the weight on our legs during the grueling 16 minutes that is Ab X.  It's THAT hard.

Nick and Amanda - Mason Twist

Jenn - Mason Twist

Peter - Mason Twist

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