Friday, May 20, 2011

My progress

First of all, I don't have a great story like Christy for starting this. I guess I have always prided myself on being able to do anything anyone else can do when it comes to athletics and physical fitness, so when I heard a couple of people talking about doing P90x, I decided to look into it. It sounded challenging & flexible enough to accomodate my schedule . . . and I was really looking to do something other than run to stay in shape. The nutrition guide seemed like something I could stick with as well. So in an attempt to cling to my youth, I decided to jump in. I started out at 155 lbs and 14.4% body fat. My goal is not to necessarily lose any weight, but instead to get my body fat percentage under 12. Well, I don't have a way to test my body fat, but after Week 1, I am down to 151 lbs, so it must be working!

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