Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My confession

Hmm how truthful should I be here....honestly, I never thought I would do P90X! I've seen family members and friends start and a few finish P90X. I wasn't interested in the time commitment or energy that it took to complete this program. I thought for sure I could lose the weight I wanted to without killing myself on P90X....and I was scared if I tried p90x and failed that I would never be successful at loosing weight and getting back in shape.

Well, my "extra" weight wasn't coming off with just calorie reduction and I couldn't seem to stay committed to exercise. The funny thing is, I know a lot about nutrition, diet and exercise and how it's all suppose to work. Doing it, well that is another story!!
I'm doing the program at home starting at 5:45am! For those that know me this is a BIG deal because I am NOT a morning person! I started with P90X Lean which consist of 4 days of cardio and 2 days of weight training. I'm on day 39! I absolutely LOVE being able to come into work and talk to Nick about the program. He has no idea (until now), that his support has been extremely valuable to me and helped me through some very early mornings!! Just being able to complain about the workouts and smile over the success' is terrific (Thanks Nick)
When my P90X lean schedule is over I plan on completing P90X classic as well. I love the program! With that being said, it really hurts and you get really tired, but wow....I'm doing it!!

Why now and why me? Because I love my kids!! (I know, how cheesy!!) It's true though, my daughter, Emory, is 3 and beautiful. We can already see that she has my build (without all the fat!). As she grows up I want her to know that just because she looks like me, doesn't mean that she has to carry the weight like I do. I'm going to loose this weight! I don't care if it takes me a year or more, it's coming off!! I want both my kids, Landon and Emory, to know what health means and what it looks like. Why now and why me....because I want to love myself and because I love my kids!!!!


  1. Waterworks! Honestly Christy, thank you so much for sharing that.

  2. Such an inspiring story! You are kicking butt, don't slow down!

  3. How beautiful! Suggestion...print this blog post and put away to give to your kids when they get older. It will be a beautiful gift to them.
