Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Anger and My Plateau- How a heart rate monitor helped

Well folks I'm at day 49 on P90X Lean. That is 7 weeks into the program! I've modified a few things on the workouts, which include no more Cardio X and instead doing Plyo X. (Plyo X is A LOT better for extended cardio workouts!) I also do KenpoX on Saturdays, which is in my program, but I have to incorporate a lot of jumping jacks to keep my heart rate working in the correct zone for me. Finally, I attend the boot camp classes on Thursday instead of doing yoga.

This weekend I was not happy! I was expecting to see a drop on the scales and instead I gained a pound! I started questioning the entire program and complained about it all weekend!! I decided to wear my heart rate monitor yesterday to see during the weekdays how many calories I really burn therefore how much I have to cut back.

I'm currently trying to stay around 1200, which is more easily achieved during the week then weekends. I figured out if I have a bunch of desk work and don't do something significant for moving at home in the evenings, I'm only burning about 1400 a day(without the program routine). (SLOW METABOLISM) This means I HAVE to stay at 1200 everyday and my exercise has to be at 300 cal burned for me to see the 1 pound a week weight loss!!!

This fact is a bit depressing to me, but I'm glad I set down to figure it out in detail! Next time I want to cheat, I'm going to remember my 1200 cal. rule and the pound that will shed if I stick to it!!

1 comment:

  1. That's the power of data! I did the same thing with my heart monitor for several days. It really gave me a feeling for what I could eat and not gain weight.
