Friday, May 20, 2011

Body Fat Measurements

I would like to hear more about the body fat measurements that you guys did. I understand Peter went to Duke and had an elaborate fitness test completed. Did this include your max heart rate calculation?

Where did all of you go and what was the cost?

My weight is fluctuating all the time, but I can tell a difference in my body shape. I thought it might be a good idea to get some measurements of body fat done so that I can see what the true results are after I've completed the programs.

1 comment:

  1. I did go to the Duke Sports Performance center and had a body composition test ($40)and a full cardio test ($200) that included VO2 max, max heart rate, and lactate tolerance test. I'll send you the test results separately so you can see the kind of data you get. I really enjoyed it, but I really enjoy seeing data. Nick, Jen, and Amanda went to Meredith for a dunk tank test. Darise also brought an electronic tester to the Wellness Fair that showed my results within 1% of the result I got at Duke, which impressed me. Here's the contact info for Duke:

    Greg McElveen, MS, MBA, CSCS
    Director, Duke Sports Performance
    * Professional & Elite Athletes Program
    * Master Athletes Program
    * Personal Training Program
    Cell: (919) 667-3440
